Why is my Computer Running Slow - 3 Simple Tips to Try Immediately by Michael J Brooks
In reality, there are actually three simple tips that you can do before you consider taking your pc or laptop to your local computer store and outlaying a lot of money that you might not need to.
Tip No 1) Remove all temporary files and also files and programs that you haven't used or have on intention of using again. Believe me, when I say that we all have these on our computer. I went through my computer's hard drive and found programs that I hadn't used for months. I couldn't believe the amount of clutter and files that I had on my hard drive. I know that most of are guilty of this fact. When we first buy the computer we assume that the hard drive is big enough to hold endless information.
In removing the unnecessary clutter we are freeing up space and this in turn will help speed up the system. It made a difference to the speed of my own laptop.
Tip No2) Unfortunately, you might have a virus and this can be a very serious problem. You need run a virus scan on your computer immediately. Please do not underestimate the seriousness of this problem, because if you have a virus and just ignore the fact, you can actually lose all the data on your computer.
If you do find that you do not have virus software or you existing one hasn't caught the virus and it does happen. Try an online scan. I also suggest AVG virus. . You can avail of the free version. Just type AVG into google and this bring up the download page. Again please do this now if you find out that you have to.
Tip No 3) This is another vital tip. Clean up your registry errors. The registry is the hub of your computer and stores vital information relating to the hardware and software that you have on your harddrive.
Most of the good registry cleaners will offer you a free scan and believe me you will be so amazed at the problems that it does actually highlight. Most of us do not realise, but over time your registry gets cluttered with files and programs. Registry errors are the main cause of computers running slow, developing blue screens or crashing.
So before you outlay money on computer repairs or upgrades, please go ahead and implement the 3 tips listed and you should see an improvement in your computer's performance.
Good luck and I do hope that this information has helped you.