Article Marketing Repurposing Strategy -- and it's NOT posting articles online by Sandra Martini
Repurposing - the art of doing something once and using it in other ways - is one of the most effective and efficient systems you can create within your business.Before your eyes glaze over with the thought that this is yet another article telling you to market your newsletter articles online, read on.
In addition to marketing to article directories, you can repurpose your articles by using one of my favorite marketing strategies:
Article Marketing Strategy: Teleseminars
Take any article and turn it into a 60-minute teleseminar -- simply add a "welcome" and "introduction to the topic", go through your main points, add a "closing" and leaving some time for Q&A.
In doing this, you'll want to cover no more than 3 main points (5 if they are short) in order to keep your call to 60 minutes.
This is a fabulous way to build your list as long as you remember a few key points:
Promote the teleseminar to more than just your own list - after all, they already know you
Allow at least two weeks of promotion to get the most interest
As to whether or not you can charge for these calls (yep, I heard you wondering), the answer is "It depends".
While you can, of course, charge for anything you'd like, there's no sense unless there's a market for it. To determine if you should charge for these calls, ask yourself the following questions:
After asking, and answering, the above, you'll have a pretty good feel for whether or not you should charge for the call.
And then we come to, "What should I do after I hold the teleseminar?"
While I could go through the steps and tell you now, you have enough to do (see "Your Coaching Challenge" below) and I'm not going to overwhelm you.
Suffice to say that you know I'm not going to let it sit unused in your harddrive and we'll be following up on this in a few weeks (after you've done all the prep work below).
Your Coaching Challenge
Pick an article you've written within the last 6 months and schedule a teleseminar around it for sometime in the last half of October (this gives you plenty of time to promote).
You're only goal for this teleseminar is to get more people on your list. See how good that feels, no pressure to perform, make sales, etc. Your job is to simply promote the call to people within your niche.
If you're unsure how to host your own teleseminar, you can pick up the class I taught (complete with sites for promoting and systems to use) at "How to Host Your Own Teleseminar: The Tools To Make It Happen Without Fear".
Next week, we'll cover another Article Marketing Repurposing Secret Strategy - with the steps on how to make it happen!