Monday, March 16, 2009

Harddrive backup - Insuring Ageist the Inevitable by Sig Kappel

If you can honestly say you have never been burnt with a hard-drive malfunctioning resulting in data loss, you better be doing more than just knocking on wood. A backup/recovery plan should be you're recourse in this situation because machines break down, it's bound to happen, and there's no predicting when.

The hard-drive is one the most freckle components in your computer and the most important. It's what holds your value and without it your business operations are threatened to come to a halt. So what's your plan when hard-drive failure occurs? Will you be left just scratching you head?

If you haven't given it to much thought, I'll cut through the small talk and give you the best solution.

Internet Offsite Backup services. It provides the highest degree of prevention of data loss today. One time setup, automated scheduled back-up routines, and offsite data will be protected against any physical damage that can occur to the location of computer; Flooding and Fire etc. Did I mention easy to use?

The Ease at which Internet Offsite backup services operate is ridicules, 1. Simply subscribe to the service 2. Download and install the client software 3. Set-up the data sources to be backed up 4. Set the schedule 5. Run

The best offsite backup services will have a technology that will only backup the changes since your last backup. This means that the first backup will take the most time, because you might be backing up something in the range of 20 Gigs. After that, only the changes since the last backup will be transferred, so it only takes a few minutes a day for your computer to ensure your backup is complete and up to date.

I will mention that the ease of use will depend on your service provider, so it's in your best interest to find a service provider that will give you a clear understanding of how the backup service works and provide you will a solution that will work best for you. I suggest you get on this right way, there's no telling when your hard-drive will decide to go a-wall.

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